About MacDonald-Bedford
MacDonald-Bedford was founded with the intent of applying years of leadership experience, business acumen, management know-how and moral values to the success of private enterprise, public agencies and non-profit institutions. In our nineteenth year, we have an enviable track record of enriching the lives of others.
Although we primarily work within the disciplines of Architecture, Engineering, Environmental Science, and Construction (AEC), our competencies derive as well from success in the executive suite and through extensive engagement in the management of projects and organizational operations. MacDonald-Bedford has work experience in forty-eight of the States within the Nation, three territories, the District of Columbia and extends to work overseas.
Our character has been forged by driving through circumstances which demanded the exercise of sound moral judgment. We offer this character and competence to all stakeholders, i.e. to senior executives in the offices of government, to the directors and management of non-profit institutions and to the corporate leaders of private enterprise.
It is the personal reputation of those within MacDonald-Bedford, cultivated through principled, uncompromising professionalism, that cannot be replicated and that gives us a distinctive competence. Over years of service, MacDonald-Bedford leaders have forged lasting professional relationships based on respect for their personal character and professional competence. Each M-B employee, whether working as an Architect, Engineer, Scientist, Technician, Strategist, Project Manager or Trainer has been chosen as exemplifying a rare combination of strengths in technical, conceptual and human skills. Thoroughly grounded in the technical mandates of the profession, they have cultivated a vision for the broad holistic nature of the organization and have a heightened sensitivity towards the human element of work.
Mr. J. Zachary (Zack) Bedford founded MacDonald-Bedford LLC (M-B) in May 2002. Throughout its existence, M-B has grown steadily, has employed over three hundred professionals and boasts a bench strength of highly-qualified and experienced professionals.